MM / MC inputs
Wide range of cartridge loading options
Selectable high-pass filter
Hybrid front end topology with discrete cascode JFET input devices
External power supply

Knif Aski is a standalone phono preamplifier compatible for use with either moving magnet or moving coil pickup cartridges. The front end in both input modes is a hybrid op amp consisting of a cascode discrete JFET followed by a state-of-the-art OPA828 IC. The MC input has four parallel connected LSK389 JFETs contributing for lower noise. The JFET input also ensures very low non-linearity of the input capacitance, which is crucial for flawless MM operation.
Aski features RIAA equalization, a multiple of cartridge load options for both inputs, a switchable 20 Hz high-pass filter, and a wide range of gain adjustments. The unit can be powered either from an external power supply or the auxiliary power output in the Knif Mastering Controller power supply.
With its ultra high accuracy, ridiculous headroom, immeasurably low distortion, and very low self noise, the performance of Aski is immaculate.
2 900 € (excluding VAT, duties, and shipping costs)
Tech specs
MM Input, Gain Range
1 kHz, balanced out
36 … 68 dB
MC, load range
55 Ω …1 kΩ
MM, load range
53 … 440 pF
MM, Input Resistance
47 kΩ
RCA female, Neutrik, gold-plated
1 kHz, balanced out
MC Input, Gain Range
52 … 84 dB
100 Ω balanced, non-floating
Maximum Level, 1kHz
600 Ω
100 kΩ
+27.0 dBu
+30.0 dBu
XLR male, Neutrik, 3-pin, gold-plated
Channel balance
better than 0.02 dB
RIAA accuracy
better than 0.15 dB
High-pass filter frequency
20 Hz
High-Pass Filter Slope
12 dB/oct
<0.005% (Immeasurable with Audio Presicion)
THD + Noise
Any Level, Any Frequency
Mains Voltage
115 / 230 VAC, selectable
Mains Frequency
50 / 60 Hz
Power Consumption
11 W
Dimensions (w × l × h)
430 × 210 × 44 mm (1U)
2.3 kg
Power Supply
Dimensions (w × l × h)
225 × 146 × 65 mm
1.7 kg
Aski Equalizer
1 pcs
Aski Power Supply (if specified)
1 pcs
Aski Power Cord, 4-pin, approx. 180 cm
1 pcs
2 years (for terms and conditions, refer to the Warranty section)